Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humour. Enjoy the freedom.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The American Primer

To read our Constitution, you should not read the Constitution, at least not at first.

Read instead about what happened after the War of Independence.

Read about the period, the people, of the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble, the Bill of Rights, the Philadelphia Convention.

Read about the writers, the opposition, politicians, statesmen, the women, indians and slaves, farmers who started a rebellion, greed, power, mistruths, the fight in every state to achieve a Country.

Then, take your time as you savor the Constitution. In each line the history, the visions of what you saw in your study, will be called forth from your memory.

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Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humor. Enjoy the freedom.