Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humour. Enjoy the freedom.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


We have many freedoms - freedoms of speech, freedoms of song,
freedoms of dance.  We have the freedom to be intelligent.

There are those who burn our country's flag as if that hurts us,
not understanding that they have done nothing. 
You can't burn something that is already a flame.

There are those who pose for pictures of themselves,
our country's flag in a dirty puddle of water,
their foot holding it down, a smile on their face,
trying to look like they've done a superior thing.

For all their education, they evidence the brainwork of simpletons.
Burning a flag, smearing it in a puddle, does nothing to us. 
It just shows they worship tokens, often their own socialist tokens,
to the exclusion of any real comprehension.

Our flag.

The red and white stripes are, as others have found, war paint.
This flag will always be against the evils of the world.

Our flag exists because of the flame of Freedom that is in us. 
It was in those who came before us; it will be in those who come after. 
It cannot be extinguished; it is always reborn.

The designers of our flag must have subconsciously sensed
they found the right design, when they set bright pointed stars
on the dark blue background, a constellation of the founding states.

This flag should always be flown high, so all can look up to see the
field of stars, the display of Freedom; that it should cover the earth like the night sky.

What is our American Flag?  It is a signal, a lighthouse beacon.
Whether a banner draped quietly, or wild colors flourishing in the wind,
beneath this flag lives Freedom.

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights,
are manifestations of this that belongs to us.

Freedom, the innate right to individual liberty, is the superpower that is ours.

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Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humor. Enjoy the freedom.