Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humour. Enjoy the freedom.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Continuing the war on terror

Today's news flash:

We have learned that, thanks to fine reporting by NoNewsYouLose.con, water-boarding has been reinstated, with some modifications.

The use of water has been prohibited. The approved replacement substance is generally identified as "air". It is retrieved from the best high mountain ranges.

Shopping mall management has promoted injecting specific chemicals into the air flow systems to make customers feel happier and secure, encouraging continuation of the shopping experience. The approved interrogation air is similarly modified, using additives supplied by the democratic party Department of Speeches and Conventions.

To increase the interrogation experience an additional modification has been implemented. The specific additive used for males is referred to as the "Larry King" formula.

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Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humor. Enjoy the freedom.