Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humour. Enjoy the freedom.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The tea parties. Are they important? Do they have a future?

Washington, DC, 9/11/2009. Washington, DC, 11/5/2009. We were there.

Thousands of people facing the Capital, a population spreading out into the National Mall, 9/12/2009. They came from everywhere - from other states, from other economic levels, from other histories. I was surrounded by thousands of people, but not concerned about it. Inside each was a little piece of star-spangled flag.

Politicians have listened to the sounds of the crowd and do not understand. The sound in the air is what it sounds like when you've hit bedrock.

The tea parties are not just those who came. The parties include those many more who could not come. The two groups combined to inform congress on what the country supports and what it does not.

Now, those thousands are considered as one entity - the Tea Party. It has brought in new governors, stopped bad legislation, re-educated congress, got a communist out of the administration, bucked the senate and house leaders who think they have absolute power, and convinced poor representatives to flee.

Now, there are those who want the Party to continue and those who want it to go away.

We've established here, by the results listed, that the Tea Party is important. When democrats were looking to surge against the country, and republicans were dazed in their powerlessness, the people of the parties renewed their education (with the great aid of Fox) and rose up.

They rose up, like Poseidon out of the sea, that the ship of state would know the real nature of the ocean it rides upon.

Does the Tea Party have a future? Will it go away? The answers are in short and long term statements of the tea partiers, statements they may not yet have realized.

The short term statement has a list of what we are fighting against now: stoppage of spending, no bills that try to hide it, national security, support of our allies, all the other items we are well aware of. It condenses to this: we know what will help the nation - government should get back to it.

The question about the future. People are wondering if the Tea Party will be a third party, will merge into the GOP, or will dissipate. The Tea Party is not an ordinary political party. It is the result of these times and of our education in the real history of the country.

The long term statement of the Tea Party has arrived.

There IS a political party, a political force, that is for the Constitution as the founders intended, and it is never again going to go away.

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Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humor. Enjoy the freedom.