Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humour. Enjoy the freedom.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The health care bill protest

The tea party people voluntarily came from many states to let congress know the bill is bad for the country.

I was there yesterday - count thousands, from Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, Florida, Oklahoma, New Jersey, New York. West Virginia, more.

The press pumps up reported actions having no evidence and ignores the thousands who know the truth.

Yes, there are many older people. That's because they were educated with the real history of the country, They care for the country, for their children, grandchildren, friends and family.

There were also just as many younger Americans. One very young child held up their sign: "Where's My Free Pony?".

Remember the Olympic skater who lost the gold medal because of his coach? The dem leadership has gotten in front of congress and is telling them to change lanes at the end.

The average american isn't stupid, but they are also do not know what's going on. Their news is filtered by the narcissistic press and entertainers, entities that are failing the country.

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Well, you probably want to know what to expect here. As a follower of the first president, George Washington, I want to put forth articles that will inspire additional thought, so you can enjoy what you already know, your beliefs in the Constitution and the country. I try to write on subjects that have been missed in all the other information sources, of course mixing in some sarcasm and humor. Enjoy the freedom.